CAMPUS BUZZ: An Interview with Abhishek Shukla

After over an year and with another batch of Jssatens making it Big in the Jungle, there is an impending need for another line up of fresh interviews. So here it goes!

We have for you Abhishek Shukla who outwitted the witty and smart worked his way into landing not one(HCL), not two(Colt Tech) but three jobs! And Now works for Accenture.



When did you consciously aspire for a job?

Well, It all started at the start of the 7th semester, finding myself in a situation where I had many roads diverging into the woods. I followed my heart and childhood passion for Computer sciences. We cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.


What/Who formed your motivation?

Specifically my seniors; some of them were really instrumental in carving out great career prospects despite being mediocre the whole time. It made me realize that grades and percentages are just numbers. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The Mind is everything, We become what we think.


What are your favorite memories of JSS?

Winter Bonfires at Neta ji and visiting that place every hour. One of the best memories I carry with me include the days spent in Old Boys hostel. My first year’s “Interaction sessions” (*wink*) with seniors was something, and I am still in contact with them after so many years! Not to forget the drunken high days of Zealicon!


The craziest thing you’ve done in college?

The list is endless but to name a few, Was High the whole time during the Rsystems Interview, And sneaking out of the class after the attendance from the back door. Not a good example for juniors, but sometimes you do things just for the fun of it!


What do you think were the pillars of your success?

Success is a relative term, I suppose; You start in school, reach the highest grade:Class 12, then you’re in first year, back to being a junior, then you go to final year, become a senior again; Then you get a job and then again you are a junior/fresher. According to me, Success is when, what you “think” and “do” are in harmony. Do what makes you happy, as simple as that.


What were your favorite places to hang out ?

College Parking , Netaji and not to forget Baba Balak Nath , I guess a lot of us would relate to these places.


Any dark secret you’d like to confess?

I have been an open book since time immemorial. Nothing big to confess. My close friends know everything about me.


If you were ordering a drink. What would you be having?

Depends on the occasion, from a cup of strong black coffee in the morning to a Long Island Iced Tea in the evening. And I’m a huge Corona Fan. 😉


Your words of wisdom/piece of advice?

Everything you do or achieve in life is just another thing; Make sure you give and do whatever you can for your parents, they have been through a lot in raising you and have made huge sacrifices for you. Friends come and go, but family is here to stay all along. I respect my Dad a lot for helping me come out of a situation wherein doctors, friends and money was of no help.


Any epiphanies on your journey through JSS and making it big?

I don’t know how many people  will agree with me on this, but there is a huge amount of exposure that you can get in JSS, and I can say that with tremendous conviction that we, the students of JSS are no less than any tier 1- tier 2 colleges in India.

You must do the things you think you can never do.

Good luck 😉


~Compiled by k.s.

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